The most intuitive start in CI/CD

No more hundred-line YAML files, deferring any complex job to Bash scripts, or dealing with webhooks to glue together the most basic of integrations. What can you get done in just 20 minutes?
Minute 0→5

Sign up for Travis CI

Get started with a free trial that includes 10,000 build minutes and unlimited concurrent jobs.

Once you’re in, connect to GitHub (or your favorite Git, SVN, or Perforce provider) to get build results and artifacts with every commit and pull request.
Minute 5→10

Write your first .travis.yml file

Leverage a CI/CD syntax that respects the developer experience with a minimal, single-file YAML or JSON setup.

Travis CI supports 30+ languages and dozens of environment+architecture combinations to add CI/CD to any project, then automatically prepares dependencies within each build via your repository’s lockfile.
Minute 10→15

Level up—simply—with sophisticated builds

Travis CI’s build matrix lets you run tests against different runtimes or dependencies with as little as a single new line of configuration, then view results in Travis CI dashboard instantly.

You can even leverage the build matrix to parallelize unit or integration tests into concurrent jobs, maximizing your build capacity and clearing pipelines faster.
Minute 15→20

Start deploying to staging or production

Take the simplest path to deploying successful builds with 40+ supported endpoints—just bring your API key or service account JSON credentials.

Using a cutting-edge or bespoke deployment provider? Use the script provider or build your own connector with our open-source dpl CLI tool.

What’s next on your CI/CD journey

Explore developer documentation

Our comprehensive docs feature robust examples for enabling advanced features like build stages, encryption of sensitive data, the Travis CI API, and much more.

Ask Travis: Your AI Documentation Assistant

Ask Travis is an AI-based chat assistant, a feature designed to help you quickly find information you need from our extensive Travis CI documentation. Powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, Ask Travis offers you an intuitive way to get your questions answered without having to manually search the product documentation.

Develop an open-source component of Travis CI

Core components and integrations for Travis CI, like our Ember-based dashboard, API, and Go-based worker for running jobs, are all open-source projects open for feedback and contribution.

Simple to start. 
Intuitive to extend.

Developed upon by hundreds of thousands.
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